Thursday, June 21, 2007

In the News

At 3 pm today I had my long-awaited interview with a certain high up government official in the environmental world. I had told his press people only that I was with the LA Times. When I talked to him he said, "So, I hear you're at the LA Times on a fellowship?" I said, "I guess you've done your research." He countered, "Oh, only a little."

Here is my question.
1) Where did they find this out? I hope it was from the LA Times themselves.
2) Because this is how my interviews go, where there starts with one point and ends up with 1044. What the hell else did they find out about me. Here's a thought. Maybe I should hide my identity on this blog.

Hmm I have just discovered by googling my name and Los Angeles Times that the article appeared multiple places in the websphere. Weird. I'm even on the American Buddhist net.

I may have a tiny boring piece coming out tomorrow or shortly thereafter, and then a longer more controversial piece hopefully this weekend. We shall see.


Karen said...

Yea for more articles!!!! I am going to google you now. I love how google is a verb.

Karen said...

So I googled you and I also found this website so perhaps that is the only thing that the high up government official's staff to find out you were a fellow.