Thursday, April 12, 2007

Socorro People

I am full of blogging lately. Today's second blog has to do with Techies. So there are two girls there that I am friendly with, which is to say, I talk to them when I see them. One I had not really been sure that I liked, but I kept making an effort until a month or so ago when she started knocking my degree. Today my hunch was verified. She has been having trouble getting a model out of my lab, and I had been considering helping her. Matt was explaining to her, exaggeratively, that I send my boss 5 emails a day and that it takes him at least a week to respond. To which she replied, "Well that's annoying; I wouldn't respond either." OKAY. SERIOUSLY. 1) I maybe send my boss 5 emails a week at the most and I am a telecommuter. That is what I do. I send emails. The point was his delay, not the number of emails. 2) How can you be so rude to someone about his wife. 3) If you knew someone that worked in the lab where you needed to get a model, wouldn't you be nice to them and ask for help. This is the problem with Techies. She and I are no longer friendly acquaintances.

Just to bring it up; the other girl is super friendly and has at two different times verbally invited us to her wedding in Albuquerque and me to her shower here in Socorro. Invitations of some sort went out yesterday and we did not get one.

People, this is what I have to deal with! I am done trying. I am done thinking I should make more of an effort. These are not the kind of people I want to associate with, no matter how few (i.e. no) friends I have here. Sometimes, it is just better to sit in your house and do crafts. And write blogs. Thank you all for being my electronic friends.


Karen said...

It's okay. I have only electronic friends as well. Potential other friends: 1) two German au pairs in my French class who speak excellent English who have been friendly but so far we have not been able to meet up outside of class, 2) some American guy Bernie met at one of his clients and his wife - I haven't met them but we are having dinner Sunday, 3) Mormon couple and their two kids from Utah coming to Geneva in 2 weeks to start a rotation.

baillie said...

What is perhaps sadder, and what I think is the big difference between you and me, is that I'm on campus for hours on end every day, and yet I haven't really made friends either. I bet you would have in my place.

baillie said...
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