Friday, April 13, 2007

Sidebar and Gifts

I recently updated my "Eco living and buying" sidebar to include some newly found goodies. Among them are recycled plastic razors and toothbrushes, another green home store, and most importantly, some gift-giving options.

Living so far away from family and friends, as well as from stores, has made gift-shopping and sending rather difficult for us. It is also hard to find online donation places that allow you to send emails to people rather than actual cards (for belated gifts as well as more eco-friendliness). My two new favorites are Heifer International and the World Wildlife Fund.

Heifer International allows you to make a donation and then send either an email or a snail mail card celebrating an event and letting the person know you have made a donation in their name.

World Wildlife Fund allows you to symbolically adopt numerous kinds of animals. The gift recipient can be sent an email and snail mail with a picture and adoption certificate. If you donate more than the minimum, you can also get a stuffed animal version that would make a great gift for kids (although not so eco-friendly).

Also, Terrapass allows you to give gift carbon offsets that come with little things like luggage tags, cfls, etc. Although I am a big fan of donation gifts, it is always nice when a little something comes with them so the recipient still has something to open. (NOTE: you do have to plan farther ahead for these since shipping has to be involved - no email option.)

Anyway, for the people in your lives who have everything, these are just a couple of ideas. Many other sites allow you to make donations in other people's names, but I have not found them as user-friendly.

(Also be sure to check on the safety of your personal care products using the Skin Deep link. I don't recommend throwing anything out, but it can be helpful for future purchases.)

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