Monday, April 30, 2007

Shout Out to My Girls in AZ

You guys are great! I seriously needed some quality friend time, and you provided it in an awesome way. My mini-vacation has improved my mood, my outlook, and even some other things I'd rather not discuss online ;). Four Peaks, In N Out, and some baseball is always a fantastic combination. And remember, ya'll are welcome to NM anytime or LA this summer. And I might be back, eventually.

Today I got A Field Guide for Science Writers in the mail, and I am pretty stoked about it. Can you believe I'm going to be published?! I'm also working on letting go of the need to have something lined up for August. You guys inspired me with all your potential adventures, and I need to have the opportunity for things to suddenly come up as well. Just because I'm married doesn't necessarily mean I should stop doing interesting things with my life, right?

I hope ya'll have a great day, a great week, and start figuring out what it is you want to do with your summers or your lives. Thanks again!


Unknown said...

I must say that your visit was wonderful! I needed to see you and hang with my best friend! I forget how much I miss you when you are away. Then you come back and I miss you all over again! I will come visit...I PROMISE! This summer in LA is a FOR SURE deal. Got it? Ok, good!

Karen said...

Wow, that is the sappiest I have seen you in, like, ever. Apparently I missed a lot. I will be waiting patiently to hear about it since you are not online right now for some reason.