Monday, April 16, 2007

The Secret...

is finally out. I have been awarded an AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship and will be working at the Los Angeles Times Environment desk for 10 weeks this summer. I'm pretty excited, but I will miss my husband :)


baillie said...

Let's all take this time to congratulate Mrs. Williams. I am excited about theme parks, baseball, and relatively cool weather for a weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think the LA Times offices are Downtown, which has a lot of cool lofts you might be able to get short term rent for--my other favorite neighborhoods are: Los Feliz, Silverlake (close to Sunset Junction), Japantown in West LA, and West Hollywood, but you'll probably find most affordable rents further East (Los Feliz/Silverlake).


Anonymous said...

i'd have to see the dudes' living space first. my experience seeing the living environments of young single men has not been favorable. if they're clean and nice, then Silverlake, if they're like most 25 year old dudes, that nice breakfast lady sounds pretty darn good!

i have a crazy commute, but the trade off is being by the beach on the weekends, so ya gotta pick your battles. commutes are easily remedied with books on tape and bad talk radio.