Monday, February 19, 2007

New Week, Fresh Start

It is my goal to actually accomplish something this week. Preferably work-related, but life-related too. For instance, I really need to go back on my diet, at least partially. I just can't breathe anymore and it sucks! Also, I should figure out a way to make friends. It's not that I haven't tried; I just haven't had much success. I'm not sure what it is about us that the Techies don't like. At any rate, we have plans to throw a Tiki party with the help of a wedding present from KG and PS, sometime after the honeymoon, as a not-so-subtle attempt to buy friends. My fear is that no one will come. Except maybe the Wahi and KG and PS. I must learn to entertain myself. Next projects: revising my journal article and scrapbooking the wedding.

Also, Karen has started a blog that you can find in my links. Perspective from an ex-pat. Enjoy!

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