Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Explain this to me. How is it that I can be a sub-contractor for the federal government and not get President's Day off? Or most other federal holidays for that matter. It just doesn't seem fair. Granted maybe my PTO makes up for it. I probably could have taken it off except for the fact that Matt also had school and all my PTO will be long gone and then some by the time we get back from our honeymoon.

Also, on a completely different note, NMT recently sent out a little flier asking you to vote for events for Spring Fling. Among them: mud wrestling/volleyball, professor pie in the face, and so many, many others. As far as I know, at schools I have recently attended, these events were maybe held by the Greek organizations, but certainly not on a campus-wide basis. And judging from the male to female ratio here at Tech, they are looking to objectify the 12 or so women that go to school here. Because no one wants to watch men mud wrestle. I don't think. Let me know if you do, actually.

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