Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Side of the Road

I was pulled over by a cop recently, for the first time in my life (other than the time I was a passenger in Dad's car). I had no idea why.

The given reason:

going 61 in a 55 zone.

6 mph too fast. This is generally in the range of my speed at any given time on road trips due to my lack of cruise control. I would say there is a good chance that at any given time I am driving the speed limit +/- 6 mph. In fact, the next time I passed the same copy (since he had turned around), I was driving 60 mph up a hill in a 65 mph zone. I am such a speed threat.

I almost laughed. And then I was confused because at the time he pulled me over the speed limit was 65. He claimed he clocked me in a 55 zone. I am convinced he must have clocked me while I could see the 65 mph sign and was speeding up towards it. Either way. Don't they have better things to do in Gila County? Like maybe bust meth labs? At any rate, he didn't give me a ticket - just warned me to watch my speed. I didn't even beg or cry. I was just confused. But for the remainder of my drive through Gila County, I was sure to drive the speed limit so I wouldn't actually get a ticket. Unfortunately this stretch of road includes the beautiful Salt River Canyon, with speed limits decreasing to 35 mph. Yup. That's how fast I drove. For multiple miles. I'm glad I didn't get run off the road into the canyon. Although there are worse places to be.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I was pulled over for the first time last fall. Rightfully so, I was going 67 in a 55mph. Lucky for me, I see all the cops at work all the time. The cop immediately recognized me, we had a 5 minute conversation about the Tigers, and he let me go. No warning no nothing. Didn't even look at my license, registration or insurance. My job sure does have perks!