Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I am beginning to realize the importance of networking. My job at Sandia was handed to me through no effort of my own, simply because a guy in my research center liked my work and knew me. A friend from grad school just stopped by his office and he asked about me and she mentioned that I am having trouble finding a job and now he is probably concocting schemes to find me work, along with a previous supervisor at the research center. Unfortunately no one seems to have good contacts in New Mexico. And my husband's advisor just told him to tell me that a bunch of hydrologists got laid off the Nevada Test Site, with the implication being that I will never find a hydrology job in the general region.

At any rate, in an effort to boost my networking, I have added a link to my LinkedIn profile on the sidebar. LinkedIn is sort of like a social networking site, except the primary purpose is for business networking. Link In friends! I need your contacts.

1 comment:

Ms. S said...

Whoo Hoo!! Its a start.
Good luck.