Monday, October 01, 2007

The Funny Thing About Socorro

Things happen in Socorro that, as far as I've noticed, don't really happen anywhere else. This is part of the charm of the place. And also its downfall.

Last Friday we were driving down to Tucson to go to a wedding, and we stopped for lunch in Socorro. I chose the Pizza Hut Lunch Buffet. (Mmmm, dessert pizza and breadsticks.) While we were eating, a couple came in and got salads. The waitress handed them plastic-wrapped packages of plastic utensils. The people looked confused. The waitress explained that they only had 15 sets of regular utensils and they were all out.

First of all, what kind of restaurant only has 15 sets of utensils? Probably only one in Socorro.

Next, I saw the lady glancing over at the utensils on our table. I kindly offered that I was not going to use mine. The lady was thrilled and came over to get mine, and Matt gave up his too. Apparently they were worried that a plastic knife was not going to cut it for their salad. Now keep in mind that we had already unwrapped our utensils from our napkins. We could have touched the utensils everywhere. But it is Socorro. You trust and you ignore. And you offer your utensils at the Pizza Hut because there aren't enough to go around and you don't want any iceberg lettuce. That is Socorro. And that is why sometimes I love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have Pizza Hut call me. I can lend them some utensils if they really need it.