Monday, October 08, 2007


By the end of this week, I will have been unemployed for 2 entire months. That is not entirely true since I am employed by a catering company, but you get it. This is my longest stint of unintentional unemployment ever. In a job market with only 3.9% unemployment.

Well, I finally have a job offer. I think I am going to take it. It involves advertising market research, and I would be doing data analysis and report compilation to start. The pay would be half of what I was making last year. But I was ridiculously overpaid last year. And there seems to be a lot of room to grow in this company. So, LifeChanging. This job will not involve water. At all. Unless I somehow get to work on an ad involving water resources. But most likely it will be bottled spring water. And then I will have to feel bad about myself.

Someone suggested I keep my hand in water by volunteering my time. I will have to think about what I could do. I would also like to freelance a bit on the side, but it will be hard with a 9 to 5.

Maybe I will like advertising? Maybe someday I could apply it to sustainable businesses or to marketing water resource conservation and education. Maybe I can justify it that way. I would like to explore and expand my creative side. And this company is not afraid of me being a hydrologist, which seems to be common among other companies. Except for the consulting companies. They are afraid of me not being an engineer or a chemist. Catch-22. Double Jeopardy. Do I understand the meaning of jeopardy? Not really. But this is how I landed at an advertising research firm in Albuquerque. I will tell them later today or tomorrow. I may push a start date back two weeks to allow a few more interviews in the water sector. I may take a small vacation since my time off will be reduced to 2 weeks. So, LifeChanging.

But this means I don't have to go to work at the coop, which I was supposed to start tomorrow. I get to make more than $9 an hour although I will miss out on the 18% discount. That guy is not pleased with me. Matt will have to do all the coop shopping from now on. As he already does. But I will have more than one day off for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so we will actually be able to go home.


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