Friday, September 14, 2007

Job Search Update

Yesterday my mom suggested that I go down to the unemployment office and see if I can collect. I had never thought of it before. I still haven't gone in the hopes that I will soon have a job. Let me review my interviews dating back to last April:

  1. April - Taschek Environmental Consulting - sent me a letter saying they had already hired one person but would like to talk to me about a job in a couple of months. They never followed up on it or responded to two emails.
  2. June 1 - DB Stephens - rejected me for the litigation group but the water resources guy said they would hire me if they got enough money. He never followed up on it or responded to my phone call.
  3. August 14 - The Pinchot Institute in Washington DC - seemed to really like me but I never sent a writing sample since Matt decided to stay in school. They never followed up on it.
  4. September 5 - Excel Staffing Agency - temp agency - They have not followed up with me or returned my email. Seriously? I can't even get a temp job?
  5. September 7 - Albuquerque Catering Company - never actually got an interview because of a tent emergency. I filled out an application and left. Called on September 11 to follow up and had a short phone interview. Called on September 13 to report my acquisition of alcohol certification. Was offered a job starting at $9/hr. Will start September 20.
  6. September 7 - Target - had two interviews and was told by the manager that I would be given a job offer. Received a rejection note in the mail on September 11. Said manager did not return my phone call.
  7. September 11 - Village of Corrales - one question was whether I had a CDL. Turns out job description (recycling coordinator) includes driving multiple-ton trucks across town. Was told by my father, "beggars can't be choosers."
  8. September 12 - Campfire After School Program - offered me an interview after I called to follow up and they told me I probably hadn't been selected. Told me over the phone positions were open, but claimed during the interview the following day that there weren't really any open. Apparently did not care that I have experience.
  9. September 14 - National Atomic Museum - offered me an interview after I made two follow up calls. Suspect they interviewed me after not liking the first people they chose to interview. Seemed to really like me. We shall see.
  10. September 14 - The Princeton Review - these stellar folks didn't tell me until I showed up that there are no classes in Albuquerque and there might not be for 6 months. Also forgot to bring the content test.
I am not even going to bring up how many jobs I have applied to since April. I haven't been keeping track. But seriously, I never knew how hard it was to get a job. I have gotten rejection letters from a few, but most apparently don't even have that small amount of courtesy. Even Target won't hire me. Although they did write a note at least. The catering company will be a bit of spending money, but my next several weekends are booked up so I won't get many shifts. Maybe I should have gone to school for a marketable degree.


Sarah said...

Should have gone into nursing..... Can you say "job security"? Not to rub it in, but its a great feeling.

Chelsea said...

I saw James Watson (you know, the DNA guy) speak last week and he said temp agencies harbor a lot of psychopaths. So count your blessings!