Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

Under the guise of unemployment, I actually have Labor Day off. Isn't it ironic though that so many laborers have to work today?

Matt's parents came to visit us this weekend, bringing with them mint cake for Matt's birthday. This meant that 1) I don't have to bake a cake and 2) I got to eat ice cream. Yum.

On Saturday we went to the Old Town Plaza, the Albuquerque Museum, and about 4 innings of a really crappy Isotopes game which was rained/lightninged out.

On Sunday Matt made french toast and scrambled eggs. Then we went to the Santa Fe Plaza, took a nap, and visited Buca for dinner with Arun. And we played Yahtzee.

I am still on a job search. My plan for tomorrow involves paying $30 to attend an alcohol certification class so I can maybe be a server. That's just the update. I'll try to start actually blogging again soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a baseball team called the isotopes??? Wow.

And alcohol certification class. Hmmm. Maybe I should get certified in alcohol.