Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cinco de Mayo, Socorro Style

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Although I'm sure growing up in Tucson we celebrated the real meaning of this holiday, the last few years I have found myself in bars with names like Dos Gringos and Macayos and Chuys, drinking Corona and watching very gringo bands perform.

This year we headed down to Socorro's historic plaza for the Cinco de Mayo Celebration, mostly to see Mariachi Bueno Ventura and also to get some tasty food. This mariachi group is all-female and we had previously seen them play at my company's Christmas Party in Albuquerque. They are quite good, but unfortunately it was so windy that the microphones didn't work very well. And being in Socorro, there seemed to be no one in charge who could help them out with technical difficulties. We also enjoyed roasted corn, funnel cake, and bean, chili, and cheese burritos.

It turned out to be quite cold, so we didn't stay very long. We did run into most of Matt's Spanish-speaking classmates and one Professor, who all seemed very surprised that gringos such as us were enjoying mariachi music. They were even more shocked when we told them we'd seen them before. Ah, being a gringa is so much fun.

Anyway, it was good entertainment for a Saturday in Socorro. I will miss a few things about this town.

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