Thursday, March 08, 2007

Photos and Credit Reports

I was feeling that my blog was a bit drab lately, without any visual stimulation. So this morning I took a few pictures to post. Part of the problem is that it turns out my digital camera, which is less than 1 year old, is not compatible with Windows Vista. My brand new computer can not see the images on it. So I have to download them to another computer and then transfer them over, which sucks. But anyway...

Jenga! Matt thinks it's funny to make it as unstable as possible as early as possible.

My new desk set up! (Gotta love the wood paneling background.) I got rid of the topper thing and bought some new recycled stuff from the Container Store. I have so much more room now - I love it.

Our mantle of wedding gifts! The pictures for the frames are in the mail now. (Of course the pictures above the mantle are old hat.) By the way, we have that cute ring frame, and we have no idea who it's from. Please let us know if it's from you or you know who it's from. We'd like to thank the proper person!

Our new plants! It wasn't very smart to buy them before we leave for 10 days, but if they die, so will all the others. So sad. This is when I wish I had friends. (Note China Doll!)

Our wedding album! Okay so I am lazy and I ordered it off snapfish, but I like it. Except the cover picture has some problems. But the inside is nice! (I am also in the process of scrapbooking the wedding. Just waiting for a few more things...Dad and Matt D. Not that they read this blog I'm sure.)

On a completely different note, take advantage of those free annual credit reports. I found some errors in mine. In fact, I couldn't access one of them because my name was spelled wrong in it, so I ended up having to pay for a combined report from all three in order to see it and then discover it had errors. Nothing major; just name spellings and addresses and an employer. (Logo Cruz?) But anyway, just do it. It might help you out in the long run. Some people estimate as many as 80% of credit reports have errors.

On an entirely different note, Matt and I leave for our honeymoon tomorrow! So probably no blogs for awhile. Unless something really exciting happens or we upload pictures. You know how I love my blog. I can't part with it or a computer for the honeymoon...


1 comment:

baillie said...

You're just jealous of my major Jenga skillz.
I especially love the post-its on the wall. Especially the one that talks about all the places you're going to take me in NM and surrounding areas.