Wednesday, March 07, 2007


"I'm not sure what to expect this year for my performance review. Last year it started with Michael asking me what my hopes and dreams were and ended with him telling me he could bench press 190 pounds. So..." ~Pam Beesley, The Office (not an exact quote).

Well anyway, the quote obviously doesn't have much to do with interviews, but I feel pretty much as baffled as Pam sounded about that review. (I've been bored and putting in Office discs and pushing 'play all.') Monday I had my phone interview for the AAAS secret plot which may or may not have been revealed yet. I can't remember. It lasted all of 10 minutes. And half of that involved the lady telling me the details of the program. So I answered questions for maybe 5 minutes. Were they all like that? Did I not blather enough? Who knows. From here on out, the sites fight over us, and then by April 16th they tell us if we got accepted and if so, where we are going. That is so long from now! I can't even handle it. And you know I can't.

This morning I had an interview at a local environmental planning firm. When I left, the receptionist told me it sounded like we were having a party in there. Good or bad? Not sure. The head honcho and two women were there. No one had any questions written down, nor did they write down anything I said. I spent half the time explaining to them what exactly it is that I do right now, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the job for which I am applying. Then it turned out one of the ladies had gone to ASU and grew up in Michigan, so we talked about that for awhile, including the Thing. Of all things. And we talked about where I should live and how I would get there, and they joked that they could send the intern (I presume) to pick me up from the RailRunner station. And then they told me to keep them posted on my fellowship, even though I don't find anything out until April 16th. The head honcho said he is slow with decisions. So really I have no idea what happened. But as a bonus, the guy's wife is a writer/editor for Scientific American and UNM Press. Someone I should definitely get to know...

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