Friday, March 02, 2007


I realized it was silly for me to have money sitting in my Bank of America savings account making about 0.5% when it could be sitting in my ING savings account making 4.5%. So I tried to transfer money from my Bank of America savings account to my BofA checking account so that I could then transfer it to ING. No luck. Apparently BofA thinks it needs to help me save money but not letting me transfer it out of my savings account. At that point I realized that BofA is stupid and opened an ING Electric Orange account that will make 4% instead of 0%. That is a much better deal too. The downside is that there are no paper checks. You can bill pay online for free, send electronic checks, or have them send paper checks, but that might be difficult for quick turn-around-times or for sending people money unexpectedly. Therefore I think I still have to keep money in my BofA checking account for such instances. I am now trying to decide if I should change my direct deposit or just keep transferring funds. I wonder if it is bad for your credit to close multiple bank accounts in one year and open up a ton too. I hope not. I would be screwed. But I recommend ING to everyone. Great rates on everything from checking to CDs and more. (FDIC insured, but good rates because of no overhead.) See

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wow, who is the accountant in the family now?!