Friday, January 26, 2007

Democrats in Office

I am, of course, as big a proponent as anyone to elect Democrats to office. Although to many it is a bit of an "Anyone but the Republicans" strategy right now, they definitely stand for some nice things. However, apparently one of the first things they did when they came into control of Congress this year was to cut earmarks. Now earmarks are not the greatest thing ever, but they were the source of my income. My lab suddenly has lost $2 million/year funding. Needless to stay, this puts all of our jobs on the line. Though other money will come trickling in, it will be hard to match that earmark. I am now in the position of not having any idea what my future holds (and it was secure for such a short time).

My boss suggested that perhaps I shouldn't have voted for so many Democrats, but to that I say, although it is not good for us, it will be better for the world. I will accept this sacrifice that I helped create on election day. I will continue to vote for Democrats. The Governor of my state, Bill Richardson, recently formed an exploratory committee. I am whole-heartedly behind Bill in his quest for Presidency. New Mexico is last in a lot of things, but in his four years of office, Bill has done more to bring it out of the depths than probably anyone in history. He is also an outstanding international diplomat, and recently arranged a 60 day ceasefire in Darfur. Check him out at

I will forge ahead in search of the best direction for my life. May the Democrats improve the direction of this country.

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