Friday, December 01, 2006


Two days ago it snowed in the place I was living for the first time in over 7 years! I was so excited. Granted, it did happen while I was going to Albuquerque for work, so I had to drive through sleet, hail, rain, big fluffy flakes, and little tiny flakes for an hour, but it was worth it. There was snow on the roofs of houses and on the ground.

There is only a tiny bit of snow next to our house right now, but when I went to the Bosque today there was a layer of snow in all the shadows. I took a picture with my phone but I haven't figured out how to get it onto my computer yet.

The downshot is that the temperature has been in the 30s, but it's not so bad. Hooray for seasons!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:( I am jealous.