Friday, March 07, 2008


So a few blogs ago I discussed a "scare" that our landlady had put our house up for sale but we decided it was not true. It turns out that was based on a false assumption, but today the landlady did in fact show up at our house with a For Sale sign. Weird coincidence. She is selling it herself, apparently because she cannot afford a real estate agent. She apparently also got trapped in a sub-prime mortgage. Way to go. So if anyone wants to buy a 736 square foot house in the up and coming part of Albuquerque (soon to match Santa Fe's Canyon Road!), all you have to do is part with $182,500. Personally I think it's way over priced, but it is in line with the other stuff on the market on Mountain Road. It is unclear whether she is selling both lots with it or only the back one. So anyway, I guess tenants are allowed to stay until the end of their lease even if there is a sale, but I'm thinking we need to start looking anyway.

I also finally got a formal offer from the State, and now I too will have to commute to my job. So Matt will be going an hour south while I go an hour north. So maybe we need to be closer to the van/bus/train stops anyway.

Well that's my life. What are you all up to?


Karen said...

This lady is a nutter. Does she know that if the person buying it has a real estate agent their commission will still be taken out?

Karen said...

Also, is house price not a direct relationship between size? I mean, my new house is over 3x as big as yours, is brand new, and is in a nice area and costs just 2x as much. Should not your house be priced at 1/3 of mine instead of 1/2? But maybe this is not how it works.