Thursday, December 13, 2007

Well what do you think it is?

Well I didn't take a very good picture, but this is Matt's leg. (I know, it's really hairy.) A few days ago he said he got bit by something and showed me his leg. It looked like a couple mosquito bites. Then last night at the laundromat, for some reason he brought it up again. And I made him show me his wounds. And this is what they look like.

They are bright red and blistery and scabby. And about 3/4 inches in diameter.

And yet.

Matt says they look way better than they used to.

I shrieked, "Why in the world didn't you tell me about these before? That is so horrible. You really need to do something about that! Oh my god! Let me see those again!"

His response - "I didn't show them to you because I knew you'd freak out."

Well wouldn't you freak out if your husband's leg looked like this? I don't want that thing anywhere near me! Maybe it's smallpox. Or measles. Or some other god-awful disease.

What do you think it is from?


Anonymous said...

I was attacked by my cat in the middle of the night and it sort of looked like several snake bites on my bicep....there was even bruising. I have pictures to prove it. Maybe Matt was attacked by a cat in the middle of the night.

Sorry I don't have a real answer for you. I should have paid more attention to the venemous creatures portion of my outdoor survival class.

Sarah said...

You don't even want me to go on about what this could potentially be. Of course I have to mention MRSA (the big staph infection that EVERYONE is talking about lately), but it probably isn't it. My recommendation would be if it doesn't get any better in a few days or he has other symptoms (fever, chills, etc) he should go see a doctor.

Karen said...

Good thing you have a nurse as one of your few blog readers :) However, this is what all of Bernie's bites look like, no matter what bit him. But if it is not normal for Matt...

baillie said...

For the record, I am completely not worried about this. They will be gone within the week.

Sarah said...

Wait until his leg falls off.....

Unknown said...

OK looks and sunds like my experience first itching raised lumps (two places) and then the blister(s) and then a long lasting difficult inflamed and slightly necrotic (in the center only where the blister resolved into slight ulcers and the slow dissapearance and here after a month only bit of c=discoloration left. My physician who is expert on Brown Recluse said it was definitely NOT and only today did I find , CRAWLING OUT OF MY BED! the spider which I had looked for in the bedclothes and under, but he was a very likely suspect and especially after researching and a pretty good ID as a HOBO SPIDER
My sxs were exactly as you describe see: