Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas everyone!

A photo journal of what we've been up to:

Unfortunately there is no before picture of this, but this was a horrid centerpiece with sparkly blue and silver leaves that my mom got from her office party. I salvaged it into a basket of pinecones and greens.

Making gingerbread houses and cookies! (Don't all gingerbread houses have men and trees on their roofs?). Also holding a baby, but again, I refuse to post children on the internet. Or pictures of them for that matter.

Conquering a mountain. Here we are in the Basin, with 1000 feet under us and 1800 feet to go.

Made it! Check out the turtle fur headband I got from Matt for Christmas.

It sure was beautuiful...

Except for the rock that grabbed Natalie's butt. (You can see the rest of the hiking pictures at

I hope everyone else's Christmases, Hanukkahs, Kwanzaas, and pagan celebrations have been lovely!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I didn't know you were so Martha Stewart like....

I sure wish Michigan had some real mountains. On the other hand, we have a ton more trees. Either way, it looked like fun, wish I could go...