Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

I bought this movie at Target for $5. We watched it on Netflix and I thought it was fantastic, but I didn't think it was the sort of movie I would ever want to watch again. But I bought it. And I watched it yesterday. And it was like watching it for the first time. It made me cry. And there is this one line where the photographer says something like, "I think that people will see this, say, oh my gosh, that is horrible, and go back to eating dinner." He was talking about the genocide footage and dispelling the hotel manager's hope that things would change when people saw it on the news.

And that is exactly what I do. I watch the news or read the news or hear about it and think about how awful it is, but I don't do anything. I gave some money to What does that do? What should I be doing? I don't want to be one of those people. What is the best course of action?

1 comment:

baillie said...

Three things:

1. You pick your battles. You can't do everything. This world is full of injustice and you'll drive yourself crazy being proactive about everything.

2. You're already a damn sight ahead of most Americans, who don't even really care that there's a problem.

3. There will be time for us to make a difference later, please believe it.