Thursday, November 16, 2006


Since I mentioned the Catholics in my previous post, I think I better offer this up (no pun intended). I went to Mass to see the oldest Catholic Church in the country, and because my Mom wanted to go. Shortly after said Mass, I discovered that the US Bishops recently wrote a declaration:

"Anyone who knowingly persists in sinful behavior, such as gay sex or using artificial birth control, should refrain from taking Communion."

"To be a Catholic is a challenge," said Bishop Arthur Serratelli of Paterson, N.J., chairman of the bishops' doctrine committee. "To be a Catholic requires a certain choice."

I have been a lapsed Catholic for about 3 years now, and this is precisely why. The word Catholic should not be attached to this church, as Catholic means universal and welcoming. The Church has demonstrated firmly that it is anything but. I no longer feel compelled to associate myself in any way. I will be taking suggestions for new religions, spiritualities, or other faiths and institutions. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Might I suggest the United Life Church? Or alternatively you could always take up Mattism. It's spreading like herpes.
Or find your own way.